Debbie Greniman's blogspot

Friday, November 11, 2005

Hello, world.

Yesterday, for the first time in months, maybe even years, I let myself feel a little bit optimistic about the political situation here in Israel, when Amir Peretz beat Shimon Peres to win the primaries in the Labor Party. A social democrat at the head of what calls itself the "Labor" party?! It's not exactly the messianic age, but maybe from wherever She is awaiting, She relaxed a shoulder blade and gave us a wink.

As for Peres, he's not merely a "loser," as he's been known since he lost the 1977 (!) election. He is a sore loser. Always has been, now more than ever. One of the commentators in Haaretz speculated this morning that he might join up with Ariel Sharon, who has problems with his own party since the Disengagement, to start a new center-right party. Ho, ho. Years ago, a Pensioners' Party ran for the Knesset. With a party run by two octogenarians, who would need one??

The changeover in leadership could give some timeliness to my Davar Torah on Hayei Sarah, to be published in a couple of weeks on the Netivot Shalom website (

Shabbat shalom out there,